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Davies NG, ..., Washburne AD..., Edmunds WJ (2021) Estimated transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 lineage B 1.1.7. Science

Wu F,... Washburne AD ..., Alm EJ (2020) SARS-CoV-2 titers in wastewater are higher than expected from confirmed cases. mSystems
Silverman JD, Hupert N, & Washburne AD, (2020) Using influenza-like illness to estimate COVID prevalence in US. Science TM

Washburne AD, ..., Plowright RK (2019) Percolation models of pathogen spillover. PhilTransB

Becker DJ, Washburne AD, …, Plowright RK (2019) The problem of pattern & scale in the pred. & mgmt. of pathogen spillover. PhilTransB

Morton JT, Marotz C, Washburne AD, ..., Knight R (2019) Establishing microbial measurement standards w reference frames. Nat Com
Washburne AD, …, Plowright RK (2019) Phylofactorization: a graph-partitioning algorithm... Ecological Monographs

Rocca J.,..., Washburne A (2019) The Microbiome Stress Project: toward a global meta-analysis... Front. Microbiology
Washburne A., …, Plowright RK (2018) Taxonomic patterns in the zoonotic potential of mammalian viruses. PeerJ

Faust, K., ... , Washburne A., ..., Widder, S. (2018) Signatures of ecological processes in microbial community time series. Microbiome

Washburne A., Morton J., ..., & Knight R. (2018) Methods for phylogenetic analysis of microbiome data. Nature Microbiology

Oliverio A, Power J, Washburne A, ... & Fierer N (2018) The ecology & diversity of microbial eukaryotes in geothermal springs. ISME

Vázquez-Baeza, Y., ... , Washburne, A., ... , R. B., & Knight, R. (2017). Guiding longitudinal sampling in IBD cohorts. Gut

Justin Silverman, Alex Washburne et al. (2017) A phylogenetic transform enhances analysis of microbiome data, eLife

Alex Washburne et al. (2017) Phylofactorization of compositional data yields lineage-level associations in microbiome data PeerJ

Alex Washburne et al. (2016) Covariance-based neutrality test reveals asymmetries in ecological and economic systems. PLOS Comp Bio

Jacob Socolar & Alex Washburne (2015) Prey carrying capacity modulates the effect of predation on prey diversity, American Naturalist

Corina Tarnita & Alex Washburne et al. (2014) Fitness tradeoffs can explain the coexistence of diverse genotypes in cellular slime molds, PNAS 

- Washburne et al. (2018) Nature Microbiology -

"There is a tradeoff between machine learning and human understanding:

the former may generate more accurate predictions in the short term, but the latter generates theory and, consequently, more accurate and generalizable predictions in the long term."


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